
1.安装gcc,(显卡驱动安装时需要)最好同时安装g++,后边会用到. 具体命令:yum install gcc-c++

2.禁用The Nouveau kernel driver. 大体同上一篇相同,不同之处是,blacklist.conf的位置是在 /usr/lib/modprobe.d/dist-blacklist.conf,并且在加上blacklist nouveau之后还要加上一行options nouveau modeset=0

error:unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your kernel and that htey are properly configured; on red hat linux system, for example, be sure you have the ‘kernel-source’ or ‘kernel-devel’ RPM installed. if you know the correct kernel source files are installed ,you may specify the kernel source path with the ‘–kernel-source-path’ command line option.

安装kernel-devel包:yum install kernel-devel-内核版本号,(内核版本号通过uname -r查看),(我的是yum install kernel-devel-3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64),然后在安装显卡驱动:./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.58.run
